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How to Create a Vegan Meal Plan


Embracing a vegan lifestyle is a brave decision since it means you have to abstain from eating foods that are a regular part of your diet, like meat, milk, or eggs. 

However, there are many exciting alternatives for the foods you are giving up that can make your mealtime a delicious and fulfilling experience! 

Whether a seasoned vegan or a beginner, this blog is your go-to guide for making delectable and nutritious meals. 

We are sure that our vegan meal plan will keep you nourished and energised. 

Meeting your specific demands when consuming a vegan diet requires preparation and organisation. You need to eat a variety of plant foods and avoid processed foods. 

Making a weekly vegan meal plan will help you avoid temptation and ensure you are satisfied with your diet. 

Before we look at the vegan meal plan, let us discuss the few common doubts that people often have about a vegan diet, like ‘Are vegans healthier than vegetarians’ or ‘is vegan meat healthy.’ 

Are Vegans Healthier Than Vegetarians? 

Vegans abstain from all animal products, including dairy and eggs, while vegetarians avoid meat. Both vegan and vegetarian diets can be nutritious, balanced, and beneficial to health. However, iron, vitamin D, calcium, and protein shortages may be more common in vegans. So we cannot conclude that vegans are always healthier than vegetarians. 

By consuming nutritious foods like avocados, soy milk, or mushrooms, rich in iron, magnesium, and fibre, and beans, pulses, or other plant-based proteins, vegans can avoid nutritional deficiencies. 

Is Vegan Meat Less Healthy? 

When consumed in moderate quantities and as part of a healthy diet, vegan meat is thought to be more beneficial. Compared to regular meat, vegan meat is as high in protein and lower in saturated fat and cholesterol. Vegan meat is healthier than real meat, but balance and moderation are the key elements. 

Avoid overeating vegan meat and eat it in moderate quantities.

Are Vegans Happier than Meat eaters? 

As there is no animal cruelty involved in a vegan diet, vegans are free from guilt feelings! Vegan foods are higher in fibre and low in cholesterol than non-vegetarian diets. Therefore, according to many dietitians, a vegan diet reduces the risk of heart disease and other diseases allowing vegans to live happier and healthier lives. 

Foods to Include in a Vegan Meal Plan 

The first step in creating a meal plan is to know what types of vegan foods to include in your diet. Mentioned below are some of the types of foods to include in a vegan meal plan. 


Lunch and dinner should both include a plant-based protein source. Plant-based protein sources include nuts, seeds, edamame, tofu, lentils, beans, chickpeas, and beans. 


The key to a successful vegan diet is consuming high-quality starches and carbs. Limit refined and processed carbs, and choose foods high in fiber and protein. 

Refrain from white rice, spaghetti, bread, cookies, and chips. Split out your starch intake throughout the day. 

Fruits and Vegetables 

Consume a lot of fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Consider eating fruits and vegetables as a method to replace fried snacks. 

This method also helps you to accomplish your fruit and vegetable consumption targets and provides a balanced diet throughout the day. 


Avocados, nuts, and seeds are examples of good fats. As much as you can, stay away from processed foods and oils. 

Replace oil in a recipe with water, vegetable broth, or lemon juice. 

Vegan Breakfast - The Most Important Meal of the Day

The essential meal of the day is breakfast! 

A filling breakfast should contain fibre and a complex carbohydrate to keep you full. Your breakfast meal might be a smoothie with blended sweet potatoes, oats, or other nutritious grains. Having your daily serving of fruit at breakfast is also a terrific idea. A tofu scramble with lots of vegetables is also an excellent choice.

Vegan Lunch 

Salads are simple and easy-to-make dishes that you can add to your lunch. For example, salads made of pasta, beans, lentils, leafy greens, and quinoa are all excellent choices to fill your tummy. 

Vegan Dinner 

Some of the most popular dinner dishes you can include are roasted cauliflower, nachos, soups, rainbow roasted vegetables, tofu barbeque spaghetti, and sesame noodles. However, you can be creative and invent other recipes that are light and healthy. 

Weekly Vegan Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Chart

Below is a daily vegan meal chart, which you can follow on all days of the week. 

By implementing the foods in this chart, you can get the necessary protein, fats, and essential vitamins to have a healthy and balanced diet.

Day 1- Sunday 

Breakfast - Fruit Smoothie with Coconut Milk 

Lunch - White beans and spinach soup / Toasted Chicken Mayo Sandwich

Dinner - Roasted Cauliflower 

Day 2- Monday 

Breakfast - Vegan biscuits and gravy 

Lunch - Spicy Beans Quesadilla / Plant Based Chicken Seekh Kebab Kathi Roll

Dinner - Lentil Tacos 

Day 3 - Tuesday 

Breakfast - Avocado, cashew, and banana toast 

Lunch - Chickpea teriyaki bowl / Uzbek Pilaf 

Dinner - Vegan sheet pan nachos with corn and beans 

Day 4 - Wednesday 

Breakfast - Tofu scramble 

Lunch - Chickpea salad sandwich / Open faced Pesto Burgers 

Dinner- Vegan stack burger 

Day 5 - Thursday 

Breakfast - Potato pancakes with vegan sour cream 

Lunch - Avocado sandwich / Chicken Parm Sliders 

Dinner - Vegetable stew 

Day 6 - Friday 

Breakfast - Eggless french toast 

Lunch - Plant-based pasta / Baked Sausage Pasta 

Dinner - Vegan sushi 

Day 7 - Saturday 

Breakfast - Vegan yogurt and fruits 

Lunch - Southwest salad with chilli lime dressing 

Dinner - Spinach salad with orange sesame dressing / Persian Keema


We hope you find our suggested vegan meal plan and other tips useful and help you add some variety to your meals.

Remember to refrain from processed foods and oils. Increase your intake of whole grains, beans, lentils, fruits, veggies, healthy fats, and legumes. With such a nutritious and balanced diet, you can prevent cravings, maintain muscle mass and get enough energy for your daily activities.



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